June 18, 2021, DHVA Candidates Statement, 2021 Board Election


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Terence Groeper, A Clear Choice for Openness, Good Governance and Fiscal Responsibility (Click here)


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Election results 2017 Analysis 2a

July 9, 2017, Diamond Heights Village, BOARD ELECTION



Before this June or even now, how much did you personally know about the Clubhouse “Final Plan” or the LSIR Landscape Project and costs, before they were approved by the current Board?  How much information, choice or input were you given?

This election, at last, you have a very clear choice:

The Troika: Jack Lenk, Helene Odeh and Kathy Klein, who have consistently pushed through their extravagant pet projects without much homeowner or even Board oversight*….OR…

The Transformers: Terence Groeper, Donald See and Victoria Sheverina, seeking a more open public process, one with room for your informed input and consent...especially on major capital improvement projects and over-the-top expenses. Know how your money is spent!

Please read more ELECTION NEWS AND INFO on the left and then cast your 3 votes for one group or the other.  

*See the links on the left for more on why this election is really a referendum on “backroom business-as-usual” vs. clear, open and better governance for our Village and your home. It's your choice.

Please check back here for frequent updates during this election and all year long. Thank you.

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